Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Update: subtlety and there is a reason for everything

Subtlety seems to be a repeating lesson for me, but always a good lesson to remember. I had been having the return of many symptoms: fatigue, moodiness, and constipation from eating the illegal beet chips.I didn't realize it was affecting me. So many on the server have these tremendous reactions to the wrong food, but I either have a GI issue or it's lost in the details. It's partially why I'm grateful that I was introduced to the diet, because before, I didn't have gross reactions to sugar or potatoes, but now I'm able to see their true effect on my system. I'm also really grateful to have this blog and to have people that read it. Without that text message, letting me know I'd made a mistake, I would have trudged through a few more weeks not understanding the return of my symptoms.

I let my guard down on making sure to check the ingredients. Mainly because my husband thought of the beet chips that we had eaten previously to the diet and thought it would be a good snack for me. He asked the whole foods lady and she had told him that it was just beets and salt. So when he told me that, I just believed without asking if he had looked at the label. All good lessons, all very good.

Lastly, I'm quite grateful for this incident because it made me look a little more into things and I think I will be better off for the knowledge I gained from it.

I was at a party this Saturday night and met a woman who was allergic to 140 foods and still feeling really bad. When I told her about this diet she was very happy. When I relayed that I wished more medical practitioners knew about it, she said that she was happier to know it the way she was learning about it. She said that things happen for a reason and before she wouldn't have been ready to hear it.

This lesson will also end with me finding a dehydrator. Because I can no longer live without beet chips!!!! If you know of a good brand, please let me know.

As my momma says, "In every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better."

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